Frances Prentice

Frances has been a passionate literacy advocate for many years.

Training first as a speech pathologist, then as a teacher, she worked as an Advisory Visiting Teacher for Speech Language Impairment before having her own family.

Whilst raising five children, Frances continued to keep her interest in literacy, using her training in phonics to tutor many children over the years from 4 to 17 years of age. She also worked part-time as a phonics instructor, Learning Support Teacher, kindergarten teacher and supply teacher.

In 2020 Frances began fulfilling a childhood dream of becoming an author, and had several small successes with short stories and poems being included in anthologies, magazines and online publications. She then began co-writing a junior chapter book with some young people she was tutoring for self-publication. At the same time she began working her first middle-grade fiction novel with a similar setting to their family farm and subject matter close to her heart: Always, Your Sister. She is continuing to write both with young people and by herself, as well as home schooling her two youngest, running home school classes in literacy, music and drama and tutoring several students.

Frances is now combining all the knowledge she has gained to create her own literacy materials to help other parents, tutors and teachers successfully help people of all ages become literate.